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BFN802 Two Fan Overhead Ionzier with LED Task Light

The BFN 802 combine excellent ESD performance with user-friendly features to create the premier Overhead ESD workstation solution. The BFN802 ionizer creates a dense and well-balanced ionization
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  • Two fan overhead ionizer that quickly removes static charge
  • Coverage area: 2’x3′
  • Includes energy efficient LED lights
  • Uses AC technology to produce a balanced output of air ions:+10 volt
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BFN803 Three Fan Overhead Ionzier with LED Task Light

The BFN 803 combine excellent ESD performance with user-friendly features to create the premier Overhead ESD workstation solution. The BFN803 ionizer creates a dense and well-balanced ionization
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  • Three fan overhead ionizer that quickly removes static charge
  • Coverage area: 2’x4′
  • Includes energy efficient LED lights
  • Uses AC technology to produce a balanced output of air ions:+10 volt
  • Built-in emitter point cleaner
  • Variable fan speed control
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Ptec™ IN5130 Three Fan Overhead ESD Ionizer

Ptecâ„¢ Stability The IN5130 overhead ionizing blower combines exceptionally fast static decay capability with excellent balance stability, without taking valuable workspace. Designed to
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The IN5130 overhead ionizing blower combines exceptionally fast static decay capability with excellent balance stability, without taking valuable workspace.

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