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May 10, 2011

Snaps Provide A Solid Ground Point on ESD Material

ESD push and Clinch Ground Snaps

CS1010 Push and Clinch Snaps From Transforming Technologies

Grounding snaps are used to connect a ground cord to a work surface static safe mat or a ESD floor mat. An buy accutane online uk or buy accutane online canada is one of a number of antistatic devices designed to help eliminate static electricity. It does this by having a conductive material embedded within the mat that collects the static. The mat would need to be grounded (earthed). This is usually accomplished by plugging into the grounded line in an electrical outlet.Pronged Push and Clinch snaps are ideal for multi-layered surfaces and come as a male stud or female socket and are offered in 10 mm (3/8”) size.
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Snap Installation:

1. Place ESD matting on workstation. Locate the safest grounding point (outlet).
2. Choose which side of the mat has the closest or most convenient access to the grounding point.
3. Locate an area 1 –2 inches in from each corner of the mat on the side that was determined above.
4. Press snap downward until prongs puncture matting and are fully visible on the underside of the mat.
5. Bend the prongs of the snaps until flush against the underside of the mat.
6. Add additional snaps -for a total of at least two- every 10 feet or the length the mat allows.

Ground Snap Install Instructions

Ground Snap Install Instructions


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The following is an excerpt from the article “Static Electricity in Cleanrooms” by Lawrence B. Levit, Ph.D., founder of where can i buy accutane online uk. He has worked in the static charge control industry for over 15 years. Levit is a senior member of the can you buy accutane online uk, a senior member of the buy roche accutane online uk and sits on the Board of Directors of the SiVa ESD Society and is the chair of WG22 of the IEST. He holds 6 patents in the area of ESD control.


Static electricity is often overlooked in cleanroom environments and the results of this oversight can cause a reduction in profitability.  In some factories where the effects are not studied and understood, they are dealt with by budgeting a reduction in production yield for unforeseen issues. Static charge and its effects certainly can be understood and it can be kept in check.  The purpose of this article is to remove the “Black Magic” from the issue, explain how it affects the manufacturing process and discuss remedies

What is special about a cleanroom?

A cleanroon is a unique environment. For many applications it is regulated to a low relative humidity (RH) to optimize the process. Much of the particulate contamination is excluded by massive amounts of air filtration involving high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. can you buy accutane over the counter in canada before they can enter into the room.  As it turns out, these actions are very good for maintaining an ultra clean environment but they are also the prescription for achieving massive levels of static charge in a cleanroom.

It is well known that static charge is created efficiently in a low humidity environment. It is commonplace for individuals to get stung by a spark when they reach for a doorknob in the winter time.  Buildings are heated and lower RH results from the temperature rise.  This same effect causes the rate of static charge generation to be higher in a cleanroom, especially a low RH cleanroom, than in a conventional room.

Once static charge has been generated by contact with other materials, nature has several methods to dissipate the charge. The first mechanism is conduction of this electrical charge to ground through any surface contamination on the object.  Normally, such contamination, for example oil from a person’s hands, is removed from the object before it enters the cleanroom and the object remains clean because the products are only buy authentic accutane online.

The only mechanism remaining for the natural dissipation of surface charge is the presence of ions in the air.  These ions are created by naturally occurring radioactivity and by other items like runner water and electrical motors.  Unfortunately, ions cannot pass through a HEPA filter – they are attracted electrostatically to the materials of the HEPA filter – so they are removed from the air entering the cleanroom.

To complicate matters further, most cleanrooms employ many insulators such as glass and plastic. Teflon, for example, is an incredibly effective insulator and holds onto its static charge aggressively. Glass and other plastics are also very effective insulator.  As a consequence of the above argument, cleanrooms allow static charge to be generated very efficiently and dissipated very poorly.  The result is levels of static charge which far exceed those in conventional rooms.

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April 21, 2011

The following is an excerpt from the article “Static Electricity in Cleanrooms” by Lawrence B. Levit, Ph.D., founder of best place to buy accutane. He has worked in the static charge control industry for over 15 years. Levit is a senior member of the best online pharmacy to buy accutane, a senior member of the best website to buy accutane and sits on the Board of Directors of the SiVa ESD Society and is the chair of WG22 of the IEST. He holds 6 patents in the area of ESD control.

Static electricity is often overlooked in cleanroom environments and the results of this oversight can cause a reduction in profitability. In some factories where the effects are not studied and understood, they are dealt with by budgeting a reduction in production yield for unforeseen issues. Static charge and its effects certainly can be understood and it can be kept in check. The purpose of this article is to remove the “Black Magic” from the issue, explain how it affects the manufacturing process and discuss remedies

What is special about a cleanroom?
A cleanroon is a unique environment. For many applications it is regulated to a low relative humidity (RH) to optimize the process. Much of the particulate contamination is excluded by massive amounts of air filtration involving high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. best place to buy accutane online before they can enter into the room. As it turns out, these actions are very good for maintaining an ultra clean environment but they are also the prescription for achieving massive levels of static charge in a cleanroom.

It is well known that static charge is created efficiently in a low humidity environment. It is commonplace for individuals to get stung by a spark when they reach for a doorknob in the winter time. Buildings are heated and lower RH results from the temperature rise. This same effect causes the rate of static charge generation to be higher in a cleanroom, especially a low RH cleanroom, than in a conventional room.

Once static charge has been generated by contact with other materials, nature has several methods to dissipate the charge. The first mechanism is conduction of this electrical charge to ground through any surface contamination on the object. Normally, such contamination, for example oil from a person’s hands, is removed from the object before it enters the cleanroom and the object remains clean because the best place to buy generic accutane.

The only mechanism remaining for the natural dissipation of surface charge is the presence of ions in the air. These ions are created by naturally occurring radioactivity and by other items like runner water and electrical motors. Unfortunately, ions cannot pass through a HEPA filter – they are attracted electrostatically to the materials of the HEPA filter – so they are removed from the air entering the cleanroom.

To complicate matters further, most cleanrooms employ many insulators such as glass and plastic. Teflon, for example, is an incredibly effective insulator and holds onto its static charge aggressively. Glass and other plastics are also very effective insulator. As a consequence of the above argument, cleanrooms allow static charge to be generated very efficiently and dissipated very poorly. The result is levels of static charge which far exceed those in conventional rooms.

For the full article and to learn how to control ESD in a cleanroom, follow this link to “best place to buy accutane uk.”

Levit graduated from Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio with a BS degree in physics with honors.  In 1970, he earned a Ph.D. in Experimental High Energy Physics from Case Western Reserve University. He can guide you to a more profitable factory by eliminating the sources of ESD damage, mitigating microcontamination issues and identifying EMI from ESD that is effecting your robotics and automated test systems. Contact LBL Scientific by Phone at 925-788-2969   or    best place to buy accutane online forum


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April 7, 2011

ESD Protection in the Field
Static damage is a constant threat anywhere micro-electronic components are used, but these components are at highest risk during servicing. The Transforming Technologies’ buy brand accutane is designed to quickly and reliably remove static charge on the service technician and provide a safe static-free surface to lay parts. The kit includes a 24” x 24” rugged mat with two 8” x 12” pockets for storing tools, buy brand name accutane and can you buy accutane over the counter
The FSM2424 Field Service Kits eliminates static charge through the principle of grounding. Both the mat and the operator’s wrist band connect to the specialized ground cord which when properly connected to ground, provides a safe path for static charges to drain to ground.

Field Service Kit

Field Service Procedure
1. Upon arrival at the service call site, unpack the field service kit in a convenient area near the equipment to be serviced.
2. Remove any accessories from the pockets and attach the ground cord to the mat via one of the two snaps found in the corner of the mat.
3. Connect the opposite end of the cord to a reliable ground. Common ground locations are water pipes, unpainted equipment frames, and building frames.
4. Slip on the wrist band and adjust the size to fit comfortably around the wrist but tight enough to make contact with the skin at all times. Snap the coil cord to the wrist band.
5. Insert the banana plug of the coil cord into the jack of the ground cord. This connects the wrist band to the same common ground as the work surface.
6. It is now safe to remove and handle static-sensitive components.

Field Service Care
The FSM2424 Field Service Kits can be cleaned with ESD-safe mat and surface cleaner or with a mild detergent and water as needed. Once clean, allow the material to air dry, removing any excess water/moisture with an absorbent cloth. DO NOT use heat of any kind to dry mat. Though inherently flame resistant, the field service products will burn with enough exposure to open flame or other heat sources of sufficient temperature. DO NOT use a clothes dryer, as the excess heat may cause the PVC material to retain the shape it held in the dryer. Most strong solvents are not recommended. AVOID: Halogens, concentrated Oxidizing Agents, Ethers, ketones, and Low-Molecular Weight Solvents derived from the Ether and ketones fami-lies. They include (but are not limited to) TetraHydroFuran (THF), Methyl Ethyl ketone (MEK), Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) and Acetone. These chemicals will mar and/or destroy the sur-face of the PVC product (the Ketones), react with it (Oxidizing Agents), or actually dissolve it (THF and other Ethers). Wrist strap can be hand or machined washed.

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April 4, 2011

Resistance Monitoring
Resistance based monitoring is the most complete wrist strap monitoring system available. Workstations using resistance monitors are almost never at risk. Basic systems use impedance technology and where can i buy accutane which can be easily fooled. If a wrist strap is worn incorrectly, the monitor can still register a “pass” condition or if the wire of the wrist strap is severed the workstation could be put at risk for ESD damage. Dual conductor wrist bands offer fail safe protection because the monitor will alarm if the operator looses contact with one ground wire. It is very rare to loose both ground wires at the same time, so the workstation is still protected even during a alarm condition. The where can i buy accutane in the uk from Transforming Technologies is a high quality resistance monitor and provides continuous monitoring of two operators, two mats, or two grounded workstation tools.

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For many years, resistance monitoring and dual conductor products were limited to mainly 3M.  But  buy accutane cheap now offers a value alternative for these premium 3M* dual conductor products. We incorporate the best design elements of expired patent # 5,018,044 with our own experience making premium quality ESD products to produce the cheapest place to buy accutane, buy accutane cheap online to be used with the resistance monitor where can i buy accutane in the uk. Transforming Technologies and 3M’s dual conductor products are functionally equivalent*. The wrist bands, coil cords and resistance monitors can be used together in any combination!

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Both 3M and Transforming Technologies’ Speidel metal band feature two 180 de-gree conductive paths around the wrist, providing maximum skin contact. The expandable band is constructed with two stainless steel back plates and is available in small, medium and large sizes.

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Transforming Technologies and 3M’s fabric wrist strap features a band made of a silver plated, monofilament, continuous thread woven together with elastic nylon to maintain full conductivity, comfort and reliability, while providing rapid and con-tinuous drain of static charge.

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March 31, 2011

Over the past year, Transforming Technologies has worked diligently to create a line of can you buy accutane online yahoo that is competitive in design and value to 3M’s dual line.   Recently our where can i buy accutane online yahoo were put through an independent test by where can i buy real accutane online. Below is an excerpt from their test results.

Tom Watkins of Transforming Technologies, LLC., contacted David E. Swenson of Affinity Static Control Consulting, LLC (Affinity) regarding testing of dual conductor wrist strap cords according to ANSI/ESD S1.1 – Wrist Straps, for flex life. The aforementioned Standard requires a minimum of 16,000 cycles through 120 degrees of rotational Arc while under tension of 1 pound on the cord under test.
Standard 1.1 requires that the minimum life of all samples tested have a flex life of at least 8,000 cycles and that the average of all samples exceed 16,000 cycles. Flex life failure includes an increase in electrical resistance exceeding 25% of the rated resistance value or any evidence of strain relief or cord jacket failure. In the case of the dual conductor cords tested, there is a 1 megohm resistor in each of the conductors installed in the wires at the wrist strap plug end of the cord. The cord continuity is from barrel to barrel and from tip to tip of the modified phono-jack type connectors with an expected resistance of 0.9 kohms to 1.1 megohms. The test apparatus has a capability of testing two cords at one time at a rate of 2220 cycles per hour.

Test Results:
Samples were selected at random from the set of 10 received cords for testing and placed on the tester 2 at a time, starting with the wrist strap plug end first. All the samples tested survived well past the 16,000 cycles required by Standard S1.1. No evidence of strain relief cracking or electrical change was noted on either end of the dual conductor cords until much higher cycle times. The cords, as tested, meet the requirements of S1.1 with regards to strain relief integrity.

The dual conductor cords provided by Transforming Technologies, LLC for qualification testing meet and exceed the requirements for flex life established in ANSI/ESD S1.1 – Wrist Straps.  The full report from Affinity can be found buy accutane online fast delivery.


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March 21, 2011

Constant Monitors are excellent tools for static control and should be considered for any grounded workstation.  ESD Constant monitors reduce production costs by eliminating the time spent on testing wrist straps before each shift. Further savings may be realized by reduced ESD damage from malfunctioning wrist straps. But a quick web search results in a dizzying amount of options.  The following article outlines the important considerations when choosing an ESD Constant Monitor.   For more information, please read “Survey of Constant (Continuous) Monitors for Wrist Straps” in the buy accutane v-drugstore.

Type of Constant Monitors:

There are several types of constant monitors available. Understanding the different technologies used for constant monitoring will make your decision easier.  For the purpose of this article, we will be reviewing the two most common types:  Impedance and Resistance Monitors.

Impedance (or single wire) constant monitors
Impedance monitors use a very low AC voltage to detect a person though a single wrist strap. When a person is attached and the wrist strap is functioning, the monitor is in an unalarmed state. The impedance monitor uses the phase difference between current and voltage to detect changes in impedance of the cord, band and person. A detection circuit is used to reduce false alarms and eliminate adjustments. These types of monitors list anywhere from $30-$100 and any standard wristband and coil cord can be used. The buy accutane in dubai are single wire impedance monitors.

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Single Wire Constant Monitor CM420

Resistance (or Dual Wire) constant monitors
This type of monitor is used with a two wire (dual conductor) wrist strap. When a person is wearing a wrist strap, the monitor observes the resistance of the ground loop, consisting of a wire, a person, a wrist-band, and a second wire. If any part of the loop should open (become disconnected or have out of limit resistance), the circuit will go into the alarm state. An important feature of the dual wire wrist strap is that even if one conductor is severed, the operator has reliable path-to-ground with other wire.  These types of monitors range from $80-$200 and must use dual wire wrist straps. The buy accutane online europe area full line a Resistance Monitors and can be used with most commercially available dual wire wrist straps.

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Monitoring Features:

Constant monitors can be very simple, or can be loaded with bells and whistles depending on the application. The following are some common features:

Work surface Monitoring: An option available with some constant monitors is the ability to monitor work surface ground connections.
Tool Monitoring: Constant monitors may also monitor grounded equipment  in a manner similar to work surfaces.
Data logging: Some monitoring systems have data recording capabilities.
Adjustable Alarms: Some monitors allow users to set the alarm parameters in order to satisfy higher ESD standards.
Alarm Accessories: Display modules, external relays and sirens are available for specific applications.


Constant monitors are reliable, money saving devices used ensure elements of a workstation are grounded. Single wire monitors, such as the CM400 series from Transforming Technologies use single wire wrist straps and impedance technology to ensure grounding.  The buy accutane eu and monitors one wrist strap.  buy accutane for cheap one wrist strap and the work surface. The buy accutane forum two wrist straps and the work surface.  buy accutane for acne from Transforming Technologies is the top of the line and monitors two wrist straps, two work surfaces, two grounded tools and has user programmable alarm parameters.  The entry level buy accutane online forumuses the same great design of CM2800 and monitors two wrist straps, and two work surfaces.  Use the following graph to help choose your constant monitor:

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Transforming Technologies will be exhibiting at buy accutane from canada.  The annual technical meeting and exposition of IEST will be held May 2-5, 2011, in northwest suburban Chicago.  There is no substitute for peer-to-peer interaction, which you cannot get with the Internet, e-mail, and phone.  ESTECH offers attendees a valuable educational experience with seminars and continuing education courses in the fields of design, test, and evaluation/product reliability; contamination control; aerospace; and nanotechnology. Interact with leaders from these industries, academia, and government at the 57th Annual Technical Meeting and Exposition of IEST.

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May 2-5, 2011
Chicago Marriott Schaumburg, Schaumburg, Illinois

The exposition will be held during the Presidential Welcome Reception on Tuesday, May 3
and all-day Wednesday, May 4.

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