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They are stored inseparate neurones as complexes with their specificbinding proteins (neurophysins) to form granules.Both are released by stimuli appropriate foroxytocin, i.e. The end result is a relative loweringof serum albumin and other serum protein levels.

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73),with four times more males than females being diagnosed with the disorder, theCenter for Disease Control (CDC, 2009) reported a prevalence rate of 1%, orone child in 110, in the United States having the disorder.

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Item #: CM2800

  • Monitors two dual wire wrist straps, two worksurfaces, two auxiliary grounds, and  operator voltage
  • Uses resistance based monitoring technology
  • Ultra-low voltage signal
  • Conductive metal case
  • Alarms are selectable with software
  • Network-ready for use in the Boss-See system

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A network ready dual wire constant monitor for two people and two work surfaces with adjustable alarm limits, and data logging capabilities. 

The RangerBOSS dual conductor workstation monitor provides complete ESD protection to two operators by monitoring both resistance and voltage independently using dual conductor wrist strap. It also monitors ESD mat ground and low resistance of tool chassis’ ground simultaneously. Utilizing ultra-low voltage, resistive loop technology, the CM2800 is an extremely sensitive and reliable ground monitoring unit for use in highly critical areas.

The RangerBOSSÂ’s alarm limits are user programable via the optional PC software CM2800-SEE. Operator Resistance, Operator Voltage, Work Surface Resistance, and Resistance of Equipment alarms can be enabled/disabled and limits selectable to user specifications.
The RangerBOSS is network ready and can easily be connected to other workstation monitors and a computer using the high speed network router, CM2800-H. The host computer can be transformed into a command center with the software CM2800-BOSS SEE, a central monitoring program that shows real time grounding results and al-lows for adjustment of alarm parameters of up to 4096 workstations. An entire assembly lineÂ’s ESD protection can be remotely monitored and adjusted with one computer.

Proactive Key Functions:

  • Wrist-strap Alarm: High Limit: 8M? ~ 35M? (35m default); Low Limit: 750K? ~ 2.4M?
  • Operator Voltage Alarm: ±1V ~ ±5V
  • Mat Alarm: 1M? ~ 140M?
  • Tool Alarm: 2? ~ 20?
  • Via CM-2800-D, provide digital display on LCD. Also provide 4-20 mA or 0 – 5V analog outputs and external interfaces for siren and tool controls


Hard drive manufacturing / GMR head testing / Electronics assembly / Aerospace / Military / Semiconductor Fabrication / Any static sensitive assembly and test environment

Additional information

Weight 1.9 lbs
Dimensions 4 x 1 x 3 in

Dual Wire Resistance Monitoring


Monitors Two Wriststraps, Two Worksurfaces, Two AUX Grounds

We have resellers for this product but we have not posted website referal links at this time. You can contact us phone or by adding this item to your quote using the "Add to Quote" Button above. We will get you the information you need. Thanks!

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