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Item #: CS1000

  • Push and Clinch grounding snaps for ESD materials
  • Reusable snaps can be installed and un-installed by bending prongs.
  • 10mm (3/8”) snap size fits standard ESD equipment.
  • Male or Female snap
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A quick and easy to install removable ground snap for ESD matting.

These push & clinch snaps are ideal for multi-layer rubber or vinyl mats. The pronged 3/8″ (10mm) socket or 3/8″ (10mm) stud is a quick and easy way to install snaps for ESD ground cables. Provides a strong contact for table matting. The bend-able pronged teeth allow the snap to be removed and used over again.

Grounding snaps are used to connect a ground cord to a work surface static safe mat or a ESD floor mat. An antistatic floor mat or ground mat is one of a number of antistatic devices designed to help eliminate static electricity. It does this by having a conductive material embedded within the mat that collects the static.

How to Install Clinch Snaps
1. Locate the safest and most convenient snap location.
2. Press the snap down on the top side until prongs puncture matting and are fully visible on the underside of the mat.
3. Bend the prongs of the snaps until flush against the underside of the mat.
4. Bend the prongs up to remove the snap from the matting.


Additional information


10mm Grounding Snap

Snap Size


Snap Type

Female Socket, Male – Stud

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