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The anesthetist then reviews thepatient’s history, performs his or her own preanesthetic PE, and reviews or requestsadditional diagnostic information (such as blood work [BW] or radiographs). If adverse reactions occur, subsequent infu-sions can be stopped and the antibody can be clearedfrom the patient in accordance with its biologic half-life.With active immunization, not everyone will necessarilyproduce an optimal antibody response or even an ade-quate antibody response, and the response is polyclonal.Hence, the quantity and quality of the antibody responsediffer from patient to patient. Doxycycline plus streptomycin versus ciprofloxacin plusrifampicin in spinal brucellosis. Foulsmelling wind, eructation and mild fever are the other complaints. They areconcentrated in the area that surrounds the primitivenode, hence their name nodal cilia

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