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Versatile wrist strap and coil cord set is a durable and long lasting method of grounding personnel.ÂÂ
The WB1600 Series Wrist Band and Coil Cord set is the most versatile and cost effective band set offered by Transforming Technologies. The soft, blue woven fabric and 360°curved buckle of the wrist band allows the skin to breathe and makes it very comfortable to wear. The band uses hypoallergenic silver-plated nylon thread for conductivity and has a maximum resistance of 160 ohms. The standard band is standard with a 4mm snap, but 7mm and 10mm can be substituted. Available in Red with a 4mm snap – is it safe to buy accutane from canada.
The coil cord’s 2.5mm polyurethane coil insulation offers excellent coil memory. A classic snap comes in three different sizes: 4mm; 7mm; 10mm so it works in combination with most standard wristbands. A swivel type banana jack increases coil life and prevents cord tangles. Comes in 6Â’, 12Â’ or 20ft lengths.
Anti static wrist strap sets are great personal grounding solutions and the WB1600 series meets or exceeds requirements of ANSI ESD-S20.20 and ESDA Standard 1.1-2006.
WB1600 Series Options
Part Number | Description |
WB0016 | Woven Wrist Band Only, Blue, 4mm Snap |
WB0017 | Woven Wrist Band Only, Blue, 7mm Snap |
WB0018 | Woven Wrist Band Only, Blue, 10mm Snap |
WB0026 | Woven Wrist Band Only, Maroon, 4mm Snap |
WB1637 | Wrist Strap Set, 6' Coil Cord, 4mm Snap, Blue Fabric Band |
WB1643 | Wrist Strap Set, 12' Coil Cord, 4mm Snap, Blue Fabric Band |
WB1738 | Wrist Strap Set, 6' Coil Cord, 7mm Snap, Blue Fabric Band |
WB1744 | Wrist Strap Set, 12' Coil Cord, 7mm Snap, Blue Fabric Band |
WB1839 | Wrist Strap Set, 6' Coil Cord, 10mm Snap, Blue Fabric Band |
WB1845 | Wrist Strap Set, 12' Coil Cord, 10mm Snap Blue Fabric Band |
WB169020 | Wrist Strap Set, 20' Coil Cord, 4mm Snap, Blue Fabric Band |
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