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Resistance (or Dual Wire) constant monitors
This type of monitor is used with a two wire (dual conductor) wrist strap. When a person is wearing a wrist strap, the monitor observes the resistance of the ground loop, consisting of a wire, a person, a wrist-band, and a second wire. If any part of the loop should open (become disconnected or have out of limit resistance), the circuit will go into the alarm state. An important feature of the dual wire wrist strap is that even if one conductor is severed, the operator has reliable path-to-ground with other wire. These types of monitors range from $80-$200 and must use dual wire wrist straps. The buy accutane online yahoo answers area full line a Resistance Monitors and can be used with most commercially available dual wire wrist straps.
CM2800 Constant Monitor
Monitoring Features:
Constant monitors can be very simple, or can be loaded with bells and whistles depending on the application. The following are some common features:
Work surface Monitoring: An option available with some constant monitors is the ability to monitor work surface ground connections.
Tool Monitoring: Constant monitors may also monitor grounded equipment in a manner similar to work surfaces.
Data logging: Some monitoring systems have data recording capabilities.
Adjustable Alarms: Some monitors allow users to set the alarm parameters in order to satisfy higher ESD standards.
Alarm Accessories: Display modules, external relays and sirens are available for specific applications.
Constant monitors are reliable, money saving devices used ensure elements of a workstation are grounded. Single wire monitors, such as the CM400 series from Transforming Technologies use single wire wrist straps and impedance technology to ensure grounding. The buy generic accutane online cheap and monitors one wrist strap. buy accutane online cheap canada one wrist strap and the work surface. The buy cheap accutane uk two wrist straps and the work surface. buy cheap generic accutane from Transforming Technologies is the top of the line and monitors two wrist straps, two work surfaces, two grounded tools and has user programmable alarm parameters. The entry level buy accutane online ukuses the same great design of CM2800 and monitors two wrist straps, and two work surfaces. Use the following graph to help choose your constant monitor:
Constant Monitor Selection Guide from Transforming Technologies