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Item #: CM2015PV

  • Periodic Verification Tool for the Resistance Ranger Constant Monitors
  • Quickly Verify That Constant Monitors are Calibrated and Operating according to Specifications
  • Resistor Box Containing 5% Fixed Precision Resistors

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Quickly and accurately verify the calibration of the Ranger Series dual wire resistance constant monitors.

The CM2015PV is a resistance box with fixed 5% precision resistors. Resistance decade boxes can quickly and accurately simulate resistance for testing the accuracy of ESD testers and meters.

The CM2015PV works with the following monitors:

What is Resistance?
Resistance is the opposition to the passage of an electric current through an electrical conductor. Measured in ohms, and defined by Ohm’s Law as equal to voltage divided by current, resistance is one of the most basic of electrical measurements.

The Ranger Series Constant Monitor is factory calibrated and does not need to be calibrated. But periodically the CM2015PV unit can be used to verify that the Ranger Series Constant Ground Monitors are in proper working order.  The CM2015PV meter is factory calibrated and contains fixed resistors and does not require re-calibration.

Additional information

Weight 1.9 lbs
Dimensions 4 x 1 x 3 in

Verification Unit for CM1600, CM1601, CM1602, CM2815, CM2800


Contains resistors from 1.8K – 100M

We have resellers for this product but we have not posted website referal links at this time. You can contact us phone or by adding this item to your quote using the "Add to Quote" Button above. We will get you the information you need. Thanks!

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