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Item #: WBASLP

  • Dissipative trash liners for ESD protection
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Use ESD trash liners to dispose of waste materials that pose a static damage threat.

The translucent pink trash liner has a 7-10 gallon (28-40 Quart) capacity and fits Transforming Technologies WBAS28 ESD waste basket as well as other 7-10 gallon baskets. Sold in packs of 100 liners.The WBASLP Anti-Static Trash Can Liner is ideal for clean rooms, manufacturing, inspection, quality control and research industries where static control is crucial.

The average surface resistivity of the liners less than or equal to 10^11 ohms per square and static decay rate is less than two seconds.

Meets or exceeds requirements of ANSI ESD-S20.20.

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