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Showing all 9 results
FM5 ComfortDOME ESD Anti-Fatigue Mats

Energizing ComfortDOME anti-fatigue mat provides unparalleled comfort in areas where static is a concern The ComfortDOME flooring system is a range of individual mats and modular flooring that
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- Provides an Anti-Fatigue, Energizing Surface to Stand On.
- Evenly spaced ComfortDOMES on the surface of the mat provides superior anti-fatigue relief and slip resistance.
- Available in single work area mats- sizes: 2’x3′ or 3’x4′ or in interlocking sections for long assembly lines.
- The mat is 1/2″ thick.
- 100% Conductive Rubber Complies with ANSI ESD20.20
VinylSTAT FM4 – Rigid ESD Vinyl Floor Runner and Chair Mat

The VinylSTAT FM4 ESD floor runners and chair mats provide superior ESD properties along with the rigidity needed for today's office or manufacturing envi-ronment.The ESD Chair Mats are made
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- Durable vinyl mat provides a rigid ESD floor runner or chair mat
- Specially spaced diamond treads on the surface of the mat provide excellent traction
- Available full rolls or floor runners in custom lengths
- Wide beveled borders to promote safety
- Surface Resistivity is 10^8 – 10^9.
FM9 ComfortTREAD Diamond-Plate Anti-Fatigue ESD Mat

ComfortTREAD ESD Runners quickly snap together to create ergonomic anti-fatigue floor with excellent traction. ComfortTREAD diamond-plate ESD anti-fatigue mats keep your workers
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- Provides an Anti-Fatigue, Energizing Surface to Stand On.
- Specially spaced diamond treads on the surface of the mat provide excellent traction
- Available in interlocking sections to create runners in custom lengths
- Wide beveled borders to promote safety
- 100% Conductive Rubber Complies with ANSI ESD20.20
VinylStat FM2 ESD Anti-Fatigue Floor Matting

VinylStat FM2 anti-fatigue matting provides a cushioning anti-fatigue surface to stand as well as grounding the person at the same time. VinylStat FM2 is constructed with a closed-cell
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- Reduces worker discomfort by providing a soft surface to stand on.
- Provides a path-to-ground for ESD footwear
- Available in workstation mats, or full rolls for long runners
- High grade 3/8″ thick closed cell PVC sponge for comfort and durability.
- Available in gray or brown
FM6 ComfortGEL Cleanroom Gel Foam Anti-Fatigue Mats

ComfortGEL ESD Anti-Fatigue Mats provides maximum softness and cushioning while Transforming Technologies ComfortGEL ESD Anti-Fatigue mat prevents worker fatigue in controlled
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- Made with rubberized gel foam for maximum softness and cushioning
- Exceptional comfort and long-term performance
- Static dissipative
- Specially formulated antimicrobial and antibacterial material to promote cleanliness
- Washable to clean room level 100
VinylSTAT FM3 Dissipative V-groove Vinyl ESD Matting

This dissipative ESD floor runner has a non-slip, grooved surface that provides excellent traction and allows the mat to be easily cleaned. V-groove floor runner mats can reduce slips and falls by
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- A v-groove emboss provides a non-slip surface that provides excellent traction
- Provides a dissipative ESD surface that protects the floor beneth.
- Very resilient, allowing it to stand up to heavy foot traffic while still maintaining its ESD protection.
-  1/8″ thick matting is available in 4’x32′ rolls and an assortment of lengths.
FM10 GrooveSTAT Conductive V-Groove Rubber Matting

This conductive ESD floor runner has a non-slip, grooved surface that provides excellent traction and allows the mat to be easily cleaned. A v-groove emboss provides a non-slip surface
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- A ribbed emboss provides a non-slip surface that provides excellent traction
- Provides the electrical properties specified by ESDA standards for floor mats.
- Very resilient, allowing it to stand up to heavy foot traffic while still maintaining its ESD protection.
-  1/8″ thick matting is available in 4’x32′ rolls and an assortment of lengths.
FM8 TileSTAT Interlocking ESD Rubber Anti-FatigueTiles – 3’x3′

Create custom ESD floors or runners with modular 3'x3' ESD anti-fatigue tiles. TileSTAT ESD anti-fatigue mats are a heavy duty, durable safety mat constructed of conductive nitrile rubber for use
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- Heavy duty, durable ESD mat constructed of conductive nitrile rubber
- For use in general use or harshest environments.
- Solid pebble embossed surface for improved traction
- 3ft x 3ft interlocking mats fit together like a puzzle to create custom ESD workstations or complete room systems.
- The mats can be quickly dismantled to make moving and cleaning easy.
- Optional 3″ wide beveled borders can be added to the mats.
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FM11 PV Series Industrial ESD Interlocking Tile Floor Mats

Low-compression ESD floor tiles for industrial environments. The PV Series Comfort matting is structurally robust and is capable of tolerating the heavy loads and harsh conditions associated with
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- Low-compression ESD modular tile – 20″x20″x1″
- Capable of tolerating the heavy loads and harsh conditions associated with industrial environments
- Diamond-plate emboss surface
- Optional yellow beveled borders for visibility and safety
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