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FSM2424RSG – Field Service Mat w/Hardware – 2′ x 2′

A complete kit for working with ESD sensitive items in the field.    The FSM2424RSG Field Service Mat is made from a rugged, three-layer embossed PVC material and provides service
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  • Complete kit for servicing ESD items in the field
  • Size: 24″ x 24″ with two 8″ x 12″ pockets
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A complete kit for working with ESD sensitive items in the field.    The FSM2424BSG Field Service Mat is made from a rugged, three-layer embossed PVC material and provides service
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  • Complete kit for servicing ESD items in the field
  • Size: 24″ x 24″ with two 8″ x 12″ pockets
  • Includes a ground/coil combo cord
  • Comes with an adjustable blue fabric wrist strap

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A complete kit for working with ESD sensitive items in the field. The FSM2424B Field Service Mat is made from a rugged, three-layer embossed PVC material and provides service personnel with a
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  • Complete kit for servicing ESD items in the field
  • Size: 24″ x 24″ with two 8″ x 12″ pockets
  • Includes 1 CP1518BD ground cord with a bull dog clip
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A complete kit for working with ESD sensitive items in the field. The FSM2424R Field Service Mat is made from a rugged, three-layer embossed PVC material and provides service personnel with a
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  • Complete kit for servicing ESD items in the field
  • Size: 24″ x 24″ with two 8″ x 12″ pockets
  • Includes 1 FM2000 ground cord with a bull dog clip
  • Comes with the WB1637  adjustable blue fabric wrist strap set

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