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Showing all 13 results

HG1232 – Heel Grounder – Cup Style – Buckle Closure

The Transforming Technologies HG1232 Heel Grounder is a superior quality, cup-style shoe grounding system designed for mobile personnel. The HG1232 is comfortable with most footwear and includes a
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  • Buckle closure for tight fit
  • Durable molded resistor for safety
  • 35 mm reversible cup design increases heel grounders life
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HG1360 Series Heel Grounder – Stretch Velcro Strap in Black, Orange, Red, or Blue

HG1360 Series
Ground mobile personnel with long lasting stretch Velcro ESD heel grounders. The HG1360 Heel Grounder is constructed from durable materials and features a stretch velcro closure strap to maximize
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  • Reversible Cup Design Allows for Longer Life
  • Stretch Velcro Strap Creates a Secure Fit Around Shoe
  • Buried 1meg Resistor
  • Available in Black, Red, Blue, and Orange

HG1360NM2 Non-Marketing ESD Heel Grounders

HG1360NM Non Marking Heel Grounder
Non-marking stretch Velcro heel grounders help keep your controlled environment clean and your personnel grounded. The HG1360NM2 is constructed from a non-marking and highly dissipative three
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  • Non-Marketing ESD Heel Grounder
  • Made with ESD gray rubber that will not leave marks on floors
  • Stretch velcro closure straps ensure a solid fit
  • High visibility blue color
  • 1 meg resistor for safety

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HG1390S Hi-Vis Yellow Velcro ESD Heel Grounder – 1Meg

High visibility yellow closure strap ensures that people wearing heel grounders are easily seen. The Transforming Technologies HG1390S Heel Grounder is constructed from durable materials
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  • Hi-Vis Yellow Velcro ESD Heel Grounder
  • Velcro with elastic ensures a tight, comfortable fit
  • Buried 1meg resistor for safety
  • Reversible 1.25″ cup design extends life

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HG1580NM – Heel Grounder – Non-marking – Sport Style – 1 Meg

The HG1580NM  non-marking Sport Style heel grounders are ideal for boots, cross-training athletic shoes and other odd sized shoes. Constructed from durable materials, with
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  • Sport Heel Grounders are ideal for boots and cross-training athletic shoes
  • Moldable back strap which better grips shoes for a tighter fit
  • A velcro closure ensures a tight and comfortable fit on the shoe
  • Made with ESD gray rubber that will not leave marks on floors
  • 1 Meg resistor

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HG1594 – Sport Heel Grounders – Buckle Closure

The HG1594 Sport Style heel grounders are ideal for boots, cross-training athletic shoes and other odd sized shoes. Constructed from durable materials, with a moldable backing
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  • Sport Heel Grounders are ideal for boots and cross-training athletic shoes
  • Moldable back strap which better grips shoes for a tighter fit
  • A buckle closure makes it easy to put on and take off
  • High visibility rep color
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HG1590 – Sport Heel Grounders – Velcro Closure

The HG1590 Sport Style heel grounders are ideal for boots, cross-training athletic shoes and other odd sized shoes. Constructed from durable materials, with a moldable backing which better
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  • Sport Heel Grounders are ideal for boots and cross-training athletic shoes
  • Moldable back strap which better grips shoes for a tighter fit
  • A velcro closure ensures a tight and comfortable fit on the shoe
  • High visibility rep color
  • 1 Meg Resistro

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HG4560 Disposable ESD Heel Grounders

Disposable Heel Grounders are the perfect solution for plant visitors and other temporary personnel who enter static controlled environments with ESD protective flooring. Constructed of a durable
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  • Low Cost Method of Grounding Temporary Personnell
  • High Visibility Yellow Color
  • Sold In Packs of 100
  • Disposable: Perfect for One Time Use

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HG4560L Disposable ESD Heel Grounders, 24″ Long

Disposable Heel Grounders are the perfect solution for plant visitors and other temporary personnel who enter static controlled environments with ESD protective flooring. Twice as long as the
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  • Low Cost Method of Grounding Temporary Personnell
  • High Visibility Yellow Color
  • Sold In Packs of 100
  • Disposable: Perfect for One Time Use

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HG6000 Full Coverage ESD Sole Grounders

Full coverage sole Grounders provide a more complete path to ground than regular heel or toe grounders due to a wider and more consistent contact area. ESD Sole Grounders (or ESD Foot
More Info
  • Full coverage sole grounders – 20 times the surface contact of heel grounders
  • Wider and more consistent contact area ensures grounding
  • Rapid and complete static dissipation due to constant contact through entire walking motion
  • Longer life than heel grounders
  • Available in XS,S, M and L sizes with one or two meg resistors

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