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CC2080 Series Two Snap Dual Wire Coil Cords: 6′, and 12′ Lengths – 4mm

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The Transforming Technologies CC2080 Series Dual Wire Coil Cord’s polyurethane coil insulation and strain relief molding offers excellent coil memory and endurance. Dual grey and black 4 mm sockets help maintain a constant connection. Dual wire wrist straps provide redundancy. When used with resistive loop monitors WB2500 wrist strap sets continuously verify resistance to ground.

Meets or exceeds requirements of ANSI ESD-S20.20 and ESDA Standard 1.1-2006.

Benefits & Features of the Transforming Technologies CC2080 Series Dual-Wire Coil Cord:

Length: 6′, extended, 12′, extended
Resistor: 1 meg ohm
Flex Life: > 20,000 flexes
Color: Gray, black
Banana: 3.5 mm phono plug*
* Compatibility with particular resistance monitors should be verified.

Additional information


Dual Wire

Snap Size



Stereo Plug



Cord Length

12′, 6′

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