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Item #: CM2815

  • Monitors two dual wire wrist straps and two worksurfaces
  • Uses resistance based monitoring technology
  • Ultra-low voltage signal
  • Conductive metal case
  • Audible and visual alarm indicators
  • Network-ready for use in the Boss-See system
    • 0 $

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A network read dual wire constant monitor for two people and two work surfaces with data logging capabilities

Transforming Technologies’ RangerNET constant monitor is the premiere work station grounding system available. A continuous pulse of an ultra-low voltage signal measures the electrical resistance of two wrist bands, two work surfaces, and two auxiliary grounds simultaneously and alarms if there is a problem.

The RangerNET is an extremely sensitive and reliable ground monitoring instrument. Audible and visible alarms are triggered if the operator’s resistance exceeds 35 megohm (factory default). Low resistance can also triggers an alarm event. Mat alarm limits are set at 100 meg ohm. The CM2815 packaged in a stainless steel case with remote jacks.

The RangerNET saves time by eliminating the time-consuming testing of grounding products. The system uses special dual wire wrist band sets that contain two independent elements which provide fail-safe protection. The series includes both fabric and metal wrist bands paired with cords in either 5, 10, or 20 feet lengths.

Meets or exceeds requirements of ANSI ESD-S20.20 and ESDA Standard 1.1-2006

Boss-See Monitoring System

The RangerNET can be integrated into a network with the Boss-See software for status monitoring and data collection.


Operator Presence Check

The RangerNET can be outfitted with the Cyclops Remote Sensor that detects the presence of an operator and alarms if a wrist strap is not connected to prevent ungrounded handling of ESD susceptible items. Part Number: can you buy accutane in canada

Digital Display 
CM2800-D is a digital display device to be used with the Ranger monitors. It shows the real-time values that the constant monitors measures so that the users can observe and document the accurate measurements of the monitoring status. Part Number: CM2800-D

 Wrist Strap Parking Station
Provides a jack that will allow an operator to disconnect and leave the dual conductor cord at the workstation without the wrist strap monitoring system alarm sounding. For use with mono plug coil cords. cheapest place to buy accutane online



The  RangerNET is factory calibrated and does not require annual re-calibration.  It is recommended to verify calibration with the is it safe to order accutane online at least once a year.  Download the best place to order accutane online for your compliance program.

Superior Resistance Technology
Resistance based monitoring is the only true wrist strap monitoring technology available. Single wire systems simply detect that a person is wearing a wrist strap and put the monitor into an unalarmed state. Resistance monitors actually measure the resistance of the wrist strap in combination with the person and alarm if the product exceeds preset levels. This accurate measurement ensures reliability.


Additional information

Weight 1.9 lbs
Dimensions 4 x 1 x 3 in

Dual Wire


Monitors 2 Wriststraps and 2 Worksurfaces


2 Work Surfaces, 2 Wrist Straps

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