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Item #: IN1000


  • Quickly Eliminate Static Charges in Localized Areas without Airflow
  • Effective ionization range: 12″
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Eliminate Static in confined areas without airflow with the StaticAIRE still air ionizer

The StaticAIRE Still Air Ionizer quickly and effectively eliminates static without using airflow. It’s designed for use in a variety of localized applications where space is limited and is ideal for installation inside equipment. The IN1000 is an ideal product for mini-environments, analytical laboratories and cleanrooms.

The StaticAIRE Ionizer was designed to be virtually maintenance-free. The IN1000 is factory set to achieve a maximum balanced ion output in standard, non-air assisted applications. Balance and pulse rate can be adjusted quickly to achieve optimal performance with trimpots located on the front of the ionizer.

Meets or exceeds requirements of ANSI ESD-S20.20 and the recommendations of ESD 4.1.

Verification and Calibration:
The IN1000 ionizer comes factory calibrated and with a calibration certificate. Ionizer performance can be tested and verified with a buy accutane online canada. Important tests to perform are positive and negative decay times and ion balance. It is recommended to test ionizer performance at least 1 per year.

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