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Item #: 7100.EFM51.WT

  • Tests ESD Floor Compliance per ANSI/ESD STM 97.2. and IEC 61340-4-5.
  • Measures Voltage Generated on the Body While Walking
  • Handheld, Portable Meter with Conductive Carrying Case
  •  Also is a Fully Functional Field Meter – Measures Static Fields, Potentials and Discharge Times.
    • 0 $

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A hand-held meter used to test the performance of ESD floors in combination with a person per ANSI/ESD STM 97.2. and IEC Standard 61340-4-5.

The electrostatic charge of a person walking on an ESD safe floor with ESD safe footwear can be measured with the EFM51WT Walking Test Kit. This test provides measurement data on the actual charge on a person while walking which is used to determine the effectiveness of the floor/footwear grounding system.

The EFM51 holds the PEAK value of the measured body voltage, as well as the LIVE static voltage measured on the operator’s body.

The kit includes the EFM51 static field meter, walking test adapter plate, hand probe and conductive carrying case.  The EFM51 is a fully function field meter that in addition to the Walking Test, measures and detects electrostatic fields, surface potentials and discharge times (with optional charge plate accessory – p/n 7100.EFM51.CPS.SET.)

Product Video

Below is the procedure for the EFM51 walking test.  

Prepare the EFM51

  1. The EFM should be placed into the grounded foam base that is on a flat surface near the floor to be tested.
  2. Hold the function button until “change mode” appears.  Press the button until “Max Value” appears (This is 6 button presses). This mode will becomes active in 2seconds.
  3. Hold the probe in one hand and perform the walking test:

The operator walks on the floor section in a six-step pattern and comes to rest with both feet on the floor specimen in front of the EFM meter. The step pattern requires forward and backward steps and a cross over step:walking test pattern for esd tests

Perform the test three times and record the results.


Reading the meter:

  1. The upper display line indicates the maximum positive and negative body voltage generated on the person when walking.
  2. The lower line indicates the minimum body voltage on the person.

Understanding the measurements:

Two sets of measurements are obtained during the procedure. The first measures voltage generation during the walking cycle and is defined as the Maximum Body Voltage. The second measures the voltage obtained at the end of the cycle with both feet on the floor specimen and is defined as the Minimum Body Voltage.


Request A Walking Test Floor Assessment

Contact Transforming Technologies today. You can also send us an email by filling out the request form below.


Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 14 x 13 x 4 in

Walking Test, Measure Static Fields and Voltage, Ionizer Performance (with CPS accessory)


2.75x 0.8×1.02 inches


LCD display

Power Supply

9 V Battery

Operating Time

Approx 10 hours at continuous operation with alkaline battery

Measuring Range

0 – 800 kV/m (field strength mode), 0V – ±160kV (distance mode)

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