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Item #: WBASDM

WBASDM – Conductive Metal ESD Trash Can Dolly


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Quickly move your 44 Gallon ESD Trash with a conductive dolly.

The WBASDM provides a user-friendly solution for heavy ESD trash containers. It locks on to the 44 gallon WBAS180 Transforming Technologies container. The 5 heavy-duty casters provide stability for loads up to 350 lb and two casters are conductive to provide a path to ground for ESD charges.


  • Two of the Five 3” x ” Casters (CDP)3” are conductive; outer mounted for stability
  • Industrial aluminum construction
  • Wider than plastic dolly Solid aluminum hubs

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 19 x 18 x 7 in

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