Transforming Technologies will be exhibiting at ESTECH 2011. The annual technical meeting and exposition of IEST will be held May 2-5, 2011, in northwest suburban Chicago. There is no substitute for peer-to-peer interaction, which you cannot get with the Internet, e-mail, and phone. ESTECH offers attendees a valuable educational experience with seminars and continuing education courses in the fields of design, test, and evaluation/product reliability; contamination control; aerospace; and nanotechnology. Interact with leaders from these industries, academia, and government at the 57th Annual Technical Meeting and Exposition of IEST.
Find Transforming Technologies at Booth 15!
May 2-5, 2011
Chicago Marriott Schaumburg, Schaumburg, Illinois
The exposition will be held during the Presidential Welcome Reception on Tuesday, May 3
and all-day Wednesday, May 4.