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The Resistance Ranger Constant Monitors are an accurate and cost effective system to ensure that an ESD workstation station is grounded. The system continually monitors the resistance levels of wrist strap sets and alarm to indicate a failure. The system uses superior dual wire wrist straps that provide two paths-to-ground to ensure ESD protection. The Rangers can also monitor the ground connection of the ESD worksurfaces and grounded tools. All three models have conductive cases and use an ultra-low voltage sensing current. The Resistance Rangers are designed for use in the most sensitive environments and processes.
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This model is simplest and most economical constant monitor. It monitors the resistance of 1 person/wrist strap. Also provides a second unmonitored ground jack.
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This model monitors the resistance level of 1 person/wrist strap and the worksurface ground. Also provides a second unmonitored ground jack.

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Ranger is the premiere work station grounding system available. The Ranger monitors two wrist bands, two work surfaces, and two auxiliary grounds simultaneously. Also provides two additional unmonitored ground jacks .The Ranger has an output to hookup to an external alarm. The monitor is enclosed in a stainless steel conductive case.
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The Ranger Series is factory calibrated and does not require annual recalibration. It is recommended to verify the monitors are in proper working order with the CM2015PV periodic verification unit.
CyclopsTM Operator Presence Check – CMREMOTE-IR
The Cyclops is an infrared sensor that causes the monitor to alarm when an operator approaches the workstation without connecting their wrist strap. The alarm continues until compliance is achieved.
CP3000 Wrist Strap Parking Station
Provides a jack that will allow an operator to disconnect and leave the dual conductor cord at the workstation without the wrist strap monitoring system alarm sounding. For use with mono plug coil cords.
Superior Technology
Resistance based monitoring is the only true wrist strap monitoring technology available.  Single wire systems simply detect that a person is wearing a wrist strap and put the monitor into an unalarmed state. Resistance monitors actually measure the resistance of the wrist strap in combination with the person and alarm if the product exceeds preset levels. This accurate measurement ensures reliability.
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WB2800 Series Two Snap, Dual Wire Wrist Bands
WB2695 Series One Snaps Dual Wire Wrist Bands
WB5000 Series Mono Plug Dual Wire Metal Wrist Bands
WB7000 Series Mono Plug Dual Wire Fabric Wrist Bands
*Most Standard Dual Wire Wrist Band Sets are Compatible with the CM1600, CM1601 and CM1602
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