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A single wire constant monitor for one wrist strap only. The CM400, single wire monitoring products continuously check the total ground loop, including the operator, the wrist band and the coil
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A single wire constant monitor for one wrist strap and one worksurface. The CM410 single wire monitor continuously checks the total ground loop, including the operator, the wrist band, the coil
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A single wire constant monitor for two wrist straps and one worksurface.  The CM420, single wire constant monitor continuously checks two operators wrist straps and a workstation ground
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Dependable and accurate dual wire monitor for one person and one work surface. The Resistance Ranger Series is the most reliable workstation monitoring system available. The extremely sensitive
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Versatile, Dependable, and Accurate Resistance Based Constant Monitor System The RangerPRO constant monitor is the premiere workstation grounding system available. A continuous pulse of an
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A network read dual wire constant monitor for two people and two work surfaces with data logging capabilities Transforming Technologies' RangerNET constant monitor is the premiere work station
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A network ready dual wire constant monitor for two people and two work surfaces with adjustable alarm limits, and data logging capabilities.  The RangerBOSS dual conductor workstation
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Quickly and accurately verify the calibration of the Ranger Series dual wire resistance constant monitors. The CM2015PV is a resistance box with fixed 5% precision resistors. Resistance decade
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Transforming Technologies' constant monitors are designed to be adjustment free. Annual calibration is not necessary. If a quality program requires testing, verification tools that simulate a
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