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Showing all 9 results

PDT78PV – Verification Unit for the PDT700K and PDT800K

Verify that the PDT700K and PDT800K combo tester are operating correctly. The PDT700K and PDT800K are factory calibrated and annual calibration is not necessary. The PDT78PV verification
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  • Verify that the PDT700K and PDT800K combo tester are operating correctly.
  • Resistance Box with Fixed 5% Precision Resistors
  • Selectable Test Range of 100K~1G.

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PDT800K Deluxe “Near -Fail” Combo Wrist Strap and Footwear Testing Station

Easy, accurate, and time-saving one-touch digital wrist strap and footwear tester with “Near-Fail” alert that tells you when you are nearing failing
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  • “Near-Fail” LED Indicator.
  • LCD Readout Screen Gives Actual Test Result Number.
  • Tests Wrist only; Foot only; or Both Wrist and Foot.
  • 100% Independently Test the Left-Foot and the Right-Foot.
  • Selectable Test Range of 100K~1G.

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PDT700K – Near -Fail” Combination Wrist Strap and Footear Testing Station

Easy, accurate, and time-saving one-touch digital wrist strap and footwear tester with "Near-Fail" alert that tells you when you are nearing failing levels. What makes the PDT 700K
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  • “Near-Fail” LED Indicator.
  • Tests Wrist only; Foot only; or Both Wrist and Foot.
  • 100% Independently Test the Left-Foot and the Right-Foot.
  • Selectable Test Range of 100K~1G.

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GTS900K Premium Combination Wrist Strap and Footear Testing Station

The GTS900K Deluxe Dual Combo Tester is a three-state touch tester designed for fast and accurate testing of ESD heel grounders and wrist straps. The GTS900K incorporates a unique dual test
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  • Tests both ESD wrists straps and ESD footwear such as shoes and heel grounders to determine if the grounding device is functioning correctly.
  • Split footplate design test both feet simultaneously and independently
  • Durable sleek black frame and molded footplate
  • Wrist Strap Range 750 kilohm –10 megohm
  • Footwear Range 750 kilohm – 100 megohm*
  • Gives both Low and High failure alarm modes
  • This tester fully supports the “Compliance Verification Plan” requirements as stated in the ANSI ESD S20.20.

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GTS600 Combination Wrist Strap and Footear Testing Station

The GST600 tester is a space-saving, versatile combo grounding tester that allows for accurate and cost effective testing of ESD ground devices. The GTS600 is the best value combination tester on
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  • Provides accuracy and reliability at the best value
  • Dual test circuits: test footwear or wrist straps
  • Positive rocker switch LED’s lights and audible alarm signal test results
  • Battery powered with low-battery indicator
  • Provided with NIST traceable certificate

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Warmbier PGT120.COM Combination Tester With Data Collection

A complete test station for ESD footwear and wrist straps with data collection The PGT120.COM personnel grounding tester takes quick and accurate resistance measurements of the ESD
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  • A “Smart” ESD Combo tester that integrates with a computer to record test results into a database
  • Can work with many other devices such as door/barrier system, label printer, RFID and more
  • Independently test footwear & wrist strap grounding products
  • Automatically test footwear in hands-free mode
  • 100volt test circuit (by default) which is the same voltage used for qualification tests.

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Warmbier PGT120 Combination Tester for Personal Grounding Equiptment

The PGT120 is an easy to use and complete test station for ESD shoes and wrist straps. The personnel grounding tester is able to perform a quick and accurate control measurement of the ESD
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  • Quickly and easily test ESD footwear and wrist straps
  • Can test ESD footwear hands-free by just stepping on the footplate
  • Audibly and visually signal a “Pass”, “High-Fail” or “Low-Fail”
  • Tests both feet simultaneously and independently to save time
  • Can be integrated with turnstiles and other barrier systems.
  • 100volt test circuit (by default) which is the same voltage used for qualification tests.

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