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The first of these is the centralnervous system (CNS), which includes the brain, brain stem, and neurons(nerves are brain cells that bundle and extend their axons into all partsof the body). Pathological fracture in acute osteomy-elitis of long bones secondary to community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus: two cases and review of the literature. There is evidence to support permissivehypercapnia as a ventilatory strategy in which thepartial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PCO 2 )is allowed to increase as long as an “acceptable”pH is maintained. It would seem that a simple social stress hypothesis,with racism predominating as a causal variable, cannot be sufficient to account for the data avail-able on psychiatric morbidity.

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This may be seen as a disadvantage,but as mentioned earlier, the availability of custom-designed, stable fixation options andgenetically engineered variants for mice and rats has increased their utility in orthopedictrauma research. Substantial evidence supports the diagnostic accuracy of these CBFmonitoring modalities; however, few studies have evaluated their ideal implementation andpotential impact on outcome.

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Item #: SR0065

SR0065 5lb Surface Resistance Probes


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5lb Disk Electrode Probes for use with Surface Resistance Meters

Designed to test point-to-point (RTT) and point-to-ground resistance (RTG) in accordance with ESD Association Standards. The probe can be used to make measurements on floors, mats, workbenches, garments, seating or any other flat surface where the resistance between two points is required.

Compatible with most resistance meters. Best used with the following Transforming Technologies ESD Resistance Meters:

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