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Warmbier TF-530 Digital Thermo-Hygrometer

The TF-530 measures temperature and humidity which are required during ESD testing. The TF-530 Digital Thermo-Hygrometer is an easy-to-read and economical way to track temperature and humidity
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The CL49 clamps probes are designed to evaluate ESD garments accounting ANSI ESD20.20. The clamp ensures excellent contact during ESD garment tests such as sleeve-to-sleeve continuity measurements.
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Warmbier Concentric ring probe model 880, with carrying case

The 880 concentric ring probe is used with a surface resistance meter to take volume resistance, point-to-point resistance, surface resistance and resistance-to-ground measurements. The Concentric
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Warmbier 890 Two Sided Probe

The 890 two-sided probe is used with a surface resistance meter to take volume resistance, point-to-point resistance, surface resistance and resistance-to-ground measurements. The 890 probes unique
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Probe used to take accurate resistance measurements of ESD Gloves. Model# 15 Glove probe is designed to evaluate ESD gloves according to ANSI ESD20.20. The probe’s weight ensures
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The CAL1000 device is used to facilitate easy, in-house, calibration verification of most ESD testers and surface resistance meters. The CAL1000 is designed to verify that testers calibrated to
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