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Warmbier TF-530 Digital Thermo-Hygrometer

The TF-530 measures temperature and humidity which are required during ESD testing. The TF-530 Digital Thermo-Hygrometer is an easy-to-read and economical way to track temperature and humidity
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  • Take Precise Temperature and Humidity Measurements
  • One Button Operation
  • Mountable: Built-in 1/4” Tripod Thread
  • Temperature: -30…+70°C (± 0,5°C at -10…+70°C)
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Warmbier CL49 Clamp Probes for Testing ESD Garments

The CL49 clamps probes are designed to evaluate ESD garments accounting ANSI ESD20.20. The clamp ensures excellent contact during ESD garment tests such as sleeve-to-sleeve continuity measurements.
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  • Clamps probes are designed to evaluate ESD garments accounting ANSI ESD20.20
  • Wide steel clamps ensures excellent contact with fabric
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  • Banana plug socket for connection to the testing meter

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Warmbier Concentric ring probe model 880, with carrying case

The 880 concentric ring probe is used with a surface resistance meter to take volume resistance, point-to-point resistance, surface resistance and resistance-to-ground measurements. The Concentric
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  • A concentric ring probe used with a can you buy accutane online yahoo to take volume resistance, point-to-point resistance, surface resistance and resistance-to-ground measurements.
  • Concentric ring with conductive rubber (R < 5 ohm) with silver particles
  • Take resistance-to-ground, point-to-point and volume resistance measurements
  • Include stainless steel plate, insulative plate, and a conductive carrying case

Warmbier 890 Two Sided Probe

The 890 two-sided probe is used with a surface resistance meter to take volume resistance, point-to-point resistance, surface resistance and resistance-to-ground measurements. The 890 probes unique
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  • Two-sided probe combines a concentric ring and disk probe
  • Made with conductive plastic containing silver particles
  • Take resistance-to-ground, point-to-point and volume resistance measurements
  • Include stainless steel plate, insulative plate, and a conductive carrying

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Warmbier 15 Glove Probe

Probe used to take accurate resistance measurements of ESD Gloves. Model# 15 Glove probe is designed to evaluate ESD gloves according to ANSI ESD20.20. The probe’s weight ensures
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  • Ensures Excellent Contact During Evaluations of ESD Gloves
  • Rugged Metal Probe
  • 4mm Banana Plug Socket Connection
  • For Use With Resistance Meters

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CAL1000 – Calibration Verification Device

The CAL1000 device is used to facilitate easy, in-house, calibration verification of most ESD testers and surface resistance meters. The CAL1000 is designed to verify that testers calibrated to
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