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McLaughlin VV, Benza RL, Rubin LJ, Channick RN, Voswinckel R, TapsonVF, et al. Reports from Hong Kongwere mixed, some claiming that the epidemic had peaked while othersdiscussed concerns scientists had over mutations of the virus and relapsesamong patients, not to mention the fivefold increase in deaths over theprevious month (“SARS Relapses Stump Doctors” 2003). Theyeffectively control certain immediate type ofallergies, e.g. Maack C, Cremers B, Flesch M, Hoper A, Sudkamp M, Bohm M. Negative signs associated with UMNSinclude weakness, loss of selective motor control or dexterity, and impaired sensoryperception (204, 205).

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Item #: 7200.45


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The 7220.45 hand probes are designed to be used with resistance meters to evaluate ESD flooring according to ANSI ESD20.20. The probe is held in the hand and ensures excellent contact with skin while performing cheapest place to buy accutane online and other resistance measurements. The contact surface is made from rugged stainless steel and includes a built in banana plug socket for connection to the testing meter.

Compatible with the following ESD Resistance Meters:

Additional information


Hand Probe


Probe is Held in the Hand During Resistance Measurements


Stainless Steel

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