They reviewed clinical records of100 two- to six-year-old children seen for fluency evaluations and found that those referredfor treatment differed from the other children on a number of variables, but that there wasalso significant overlap among the groups
They reviewed clinical records of100 two- to six-year-old children seen for fluency evaluations and found that those referredfor treatment differed from the other children on a number of variables, but that there wasalso significant overlap among the groups. Portuguese National Programme for Rare Diseases (2008–2015) [in Portuguese]
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Characteristics and outcome of 27 elbow peri-prosthetic joint infections: results from a 14-year cohort study of 358 elbow prostheses. The nucleithat are evident belong to fibroblasts. This double-blind, placebo-controlled study wasconducted at nine sites in the United States.