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Item #: 7100.SRM110

Warmbier SRM110 Pocket Digital Surface Resistance Test Kit

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This SRM 110 from Wolfgang Warmbier uses parallel electrodes and concentric rings to accurately measure RTT, RTG, or resistivity for periodic verification, factory audits or test lab evaluation of product. This meter is designed to verify incoming materials such as floor mats, table mats, bins and shelving in static controlled areas. Work surfaces, bags, wrist straps, footwear, packaging materials, garments, and ESD chairs can also be tested with the device.
The SRM110 meets periodic test requirements per Com-pliance Verification ESD TR53 and conforms to ANSI/EOS/ESD (S4.1, S7.1, S12.1, S2.1).

Features include:

Test range: 10^3-10^12
Test voltage: 10V/100V(automatic ranging)
Accuracy + 5%
Built in resistivity probes
Carrying case & Calibration Certificate Included

Additional information


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