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  • Common point ground cord for two wrist straps and ESD mat
  • Low profile molded head with 10mm female snap
  • Length: 15ft long
  • 1meg resistor for safety (available without resistor)
  • Cords available with both male studs and female sockets

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Low profile common point ground cord that can ground two wrist strap and a table.

The CP2524 low profile ground cords are highly durable and reliable ground cords. Equipped with two standard banana jacks, the CP2524 grounds up to two operators at the same time.

The low profile, molded head has built-in 10mm female snap for a secure worksurface attachment. A 15′ black ground cord terminate with a standard 1/8″ (#10) ring terminal for a solid connection to ground. Also available with a 8mm ring terminal.

Meets or exceeds requirements of ANSI ESD-S20.20.

The Transforming Technologies CP2524 Specifications:

Product Series

The CP2524 is available with the following options:

Part NumberDescription
CP2522Low Profile Ground Cord, 15' Long, 1 Meg, 10mm Male Snap
CP2524Low Profile Ground Cord, 15' Long, 1 Meg, 10mm Female Socket
CP2522NRLow Profile Ground Cord, 15' Long, No Resistor, 10mm Male Snap
CP2524NRLow Profile Ground Cord, 15' Long, No Resistor, 10mm Female Socket

Additional information


Common Point Ground Cord

Snap Size
Snap Size

10mm Female, 10mm Male


1meg, No Resistor

We have resellers for this product but we have not posted website referal links at this time. You can contact us phone or by adding this item to your quote using the "Add to Quote" Button above. We will get you the information you need. Thanks!

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